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When it’s time to start potty training, you won’t just need to prepare you and your child emotionally, there is also some physical preparation you can do to make the process as smooth as possible. From the best potty seats and stools, to the best books about the potty and more, the list of products can feel a bit overwhelming. That’s why we’ve rounded up all the best potty training gear you’ll need to successfully get your child using the toilet on their own. Check out this list for everything our expert (a pediatric Occupational Therapist!) recommends, and parents love:
The Best Potty Seats and Inserts for Potty training:
You certainly can’t potty train without a potty. And, while there are many different options, our expert recommends starting with a floor potty because it’s easy to move around and can always be kept close. In the beginning days of potty training, your child may only have a few seconds to make it to the potty, which is why it’s also a good idea to consider more than one potty if you have a multi-level house.
Eventually your child will transition to the big potty. For this, you will need a toilet seat insert to make sure they not only have good posture, but also don’t fall in. You’ll also likely be venturing out during the potty training process. For this, a travel or foldable toilet seat is key.
You can see our full list of expert-recommended potty seats, inserts and travel seats, here.
The Best Training Underwear for Potty Training:
Training underwear are different from pull-ups . These are made to look and feel like regular underwear but be extra absorbent in the instance of any leaks. Our expert recommends going one size up so that your child can pull them on and off easily. There are many options out there with fun patterns — include your child in picking them out so they are more excited about them.
A few of our expert’s favorites are:
The Best Pull-Ups for Potty Training:
You’ll need some pull-ups for nights and nap time, as it often takes longer for little ones to learn to wake up when they need to use the potty. Pull-Ups are more like diapers, and are disposable.
Some expert favorites are:
Potty Training Toys to Support Belly Breathing:
Belly breaths when using the bathroom are key to pelvic floor health, a crucial piece when successfully teaching toddlers to use the toilet on their own. We’ll walk you through this and more in our online class Potty Training: The Stress Free Guide to Success.
A couple of expert-recommended options are:
A Fidget Toy:
Give your toddler something else to focus on while on the potty, such as a pop it fidget toy like this.
The Best Potty Training Books:
Our expert recommends to start reading books about the potty with your child as early as 18-24 months old, as it is one the most effective activities to familiarize your toddler with the potty and the process surrounding it. You can see all of our recommendations here.
A Timer
You’ll want to use a timer to time how long a child needs to sit for, and how long between prompts. We explain this further in our online class. You’ll want to make sure the timer is easy to read, and has color, making it visually interested to children. A few good options are:
A Potty Watch
This is for your child to wear. Not a necessity, but a great help,It will go off when it’s time for them to go on the potty. A couple good options are:
- Kidnovations USA Premium Princess Potty Reminder Watch
- Potty Training Toilet Timer Watch for Boys & Girls
A Waterproof Mattress Protector:
This will be a life-saver when it comes to protecting from leaks during the transition out of diapers for naps and nighttime.
Disposable Pads
These are great to put on your couch, their bed, or other surfaces in case of accidents. According to our expert, Kindersense makes a great disposable pad.
Water Bottles
A reusable water bottle is a great way to help ensure your child is well hydrated. Encourage small sips of water throughout the day.
As part of your preparation, you’ll want to count down to the day you start potty training with your child. This will help create excitement around the process. You could use a digital calendar, but sometimes a paper one, like this, is a good visual reminder.
To learn more ways to prepare and build excitement around potty training, as well as a step-by-step method and guidance for all common challenges, check out our class Potty Training: The Stress-Free-Guide to Success.
You can see all of our expert-recommended products Tinyhood parents love, on our amazon store front here.